Friday, December 30, 2011


I have found that many people turn up their nose when they hear the word forgive or forgiveness.  Anything that has to do with forgiving is frowned upon. 

Understanding that when you are hurt repeatedly, it is much more difficult to let go of what has been done to you.  You begin to build walls and not allow anyone to enter into your circle.  You have caution signs all around you as if you are untouchable.  Your heart becomes solid as a rock and there is no moving that heart of stone! 

Unforgiveness does not play in its circle by itself.  Unforgiveness has important components to help it work more effectively.  Once unforgiveness begins... bitterness, resentment, anger, hate, rage, and low self-esteem, to name a few, begin to work hand in hand.  You become blind to see any good of many other people, or rather all you see is bad.  Life shouldn't be this way. 

John 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly

You see..... the reality is that we have given into having an unforgiving heart.  We have allowed the enemy to come in and steal our joy, kill our spirit, and destroy our mission, ministry, and life that God has set in place for us. 

There have been many things that have happened in our lives that simply seem unforgivable.  There are many people that often wonder how can I carry on when so much damage has been done to me?  Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, rejection, abandonment, neglect, and the list goes on and on.  Some cases more severe then others.  The pain and agony of why me?  Why did I have to suffer such things?  What did I do to deserve this?   

The truth is that you didn't deserve any of the pain and suffering that you have endured.  I know that there is nothing that I could say to make anything easier for you.  However, I do serve a God that can heal your heart and bring you comfort.   You will probably never forget what has taken place in your life, but the God that I serve will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding so that you can carry on in life without torment.  You can have the victory!

The enemy doesn't want you to be free from the bondage of unforgiveness.  It probably feels good to hold the grudge against the other person, but you need to realize that they are keeping you hostage to the things they have done to you.  God has called us to be free. 

John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. 

When you forgive the other person, freedom takes place, and anger, bitterness, resentment, etc begin to cease.  When God is in the midst of your life and you have surrendered, there is no room for unforgiveness and its components. 

Furthermore, the Bible says:

Matthew 6:15
But if you refuse to forgive others, your father will not forgive your sins.

Forgive others that have wronged you, cheated, hurt, and or abused you.  There is freedom in forgiveness!  God wants you to be free and delivered.  It is easy to ask God for forgiveness but difficult to grant it to others.  Whenever we ask God to forgive us for sin, we should ask, Have I forgiven the people who have wronged me?

Ephesians 4:32
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

I understand that this is easier said then done, but it's not impossible.  Allow God to heal you, forgive you, show you unconditional love, set you free, and remind you of His grace that is sufficient.  God is waiting for you to give Him your burdens.... Be set free today.  Run to Him!  Forgiveness is Possible, In Jesus Name! 


  1. Sometimes I think forgiving ourselves is the hardest part. Thank you for sharing.
    Could you maybe share a little more on forgiving ourselves, after we've done all we can do to forget. Like God fogives and forgets. We don't forget so we can later hopefully use that stuff to not repeat or to help others? but as far as the East is from the West is beyond the human mind's capability. I don't know, sometimes I think it is only a Divine revelation that can truely reveal that concept.
    Also, addressing the forgiving others and asking for forgiveness from others. it seems we forget where the Bible says restore the brethen not (beat them with a stick), not exclude treat badly etc... judgement when someone truely tries to ask for fogiveness. What shall we do? Why does it seem so hard? Thanks for your words of wisdom. I hope u understand my choppy questions.

  2. This is an excellent and hugely important message. Thank you. It is also very well presented. I agree that it should not be frowned upon. Forgiveness is the core of the gospel! God bless you and yours. Beth

  3. Thank you so much Beth. May the Lord bless you always! :)


  4. Well said... forgiveness is possible. Hard, but possible.
