Friday, August 29, 2014



About two and a half weeks ago I had a job interview for a position that I had not planned on applying for.  

After pondering if I should apply for the job and with the motivation of family and friends, I applied.  

Although my life has not been completely bad, there have been many times that I've said, "I'm not good enough, I don't qualify, and I don't think I can do it!"  

The morning of my interview, full of butterflies and worries, I was prompted to put my pin on from "Beauty in Brokenness."  I heard the clear voice of God and He said "go put your pin on!"  (Mind you, I don't wear my pin often, only on special occasions)!  

So I go and put my pin on and I look in the mirror and The Lord spoke to me again and said, "I have created you! Daughter of mine, you are more then qualified!  I have made every detail of you carefully so that you would bring change to the world.  A hope that one would find Only in Me!  And although man disqualifies you, I The Lord breathed life to you and made you more than enough!  

"The pin that you are wearing is a pin that was made from broken pieces, unused items, and pretty much objects that needed to go in the trash," BUT God!  

The Lord reminded me at that moment that although I had been someone that was broken, stripped, wounded, used up, tried, discouraged, and hurt......... He mended me, loved me, encouraged me, blessed me, gave me strength, and told me that I was fearfully and wonderfully made!  He made ME whole again!  Although I was broken, He fixed me!  He made me beautiful even in my brokenness!  

Needless to say, after 3 interviews, I got the job as a Community School Director!  God is faithful and He reminds me that He takes care of His people!  Never in a million years did I think Id hold a position as a Director in the Corporate World!  I'm truly blessed and looking forward to working with the School, Youth, Families and the Community of Hartford!  Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something!  If God is for you, who can be against you?! 

Thank you Lord for Pastor Susana Viera that you would give her such a vision with the ministry, "Beauty in Brokenness!"  

If you'd like to purchase a pin, please email Pastor Suzie at All of these pins are hand crafted by her and not one is the same!  It's made from buttons, and other pieces that are at home and not being put to use! The message and testimony that comes with it is very powerful!  Buy one for yourself, a friend, a wife, or loved one!  Anyone that owns one will truly be blessed!  Be encouraged and know that God always has the final say! ❤️ 

So, Here's my pic on my interview Day 1 with my pin! 😁❤️

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