Friday, December 30, 2011


I have found that many people turn up their nose when they hear the word forgive or forgiveness.  Anything that has to do with forgiving is frowned upon. 

Understanding that when you are hurt repeatedly, it is much more difficult to let go of what has been done to you.  You begin to build walls and not allow anyone to enter into your circle.  You have caution signs all around you as if you are untouchable.  Your heart becomes solid as a rock and there is no moving that heart of stone! 

Unforgiveness does not play in its circle by itself.  Unforgiveness has important components to help it work more effectively.  Once unforgiveness begins... bitterness, resentment, anger, hate, rage, and low self-esteem, to name a few, begin to work hand in hand.  You become blind to see any good of many other people, or rather all you see is bad.  Life shouldn't be this way. 

John 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly

You see..... the reality is that we have given into having an unforgiving heart.  We have allowed the enemy to come in and steal our joy, kill our spirit, and destroy our mission, ministry, and life that God has set in place for us. 

There have been many things that have happened in our lives that simply seem unforgivable.  There are many people that often wonder how can I carry on when so much damage has been done to me?  Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, rejection, abandonment, neglect, and the list goes on and on.  Some cases more severe then others.  The pain and agony of why me?  Why did I have to suffer such things?  What did I do to deserve this?   

The truth is that you didn't deserve any of the pain and suffering that you have endured.  I know that there is nothing that I could say to make anything easier for you.  However, I do serve a God that can heal your heart and bring you comfort.   You will probably never forget what has taken place in your life, but the God that I serve will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding so that you can carry on in life without torment.  You can have the victory!

The enemy doesn't want you to be free from the bondage of unforgiveness.  It probably feels good to hold the grudge against the other person, but you need to realize that they are keeping you hostage to the things they have done to you.  God has called us to be free. 

John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. 

When you forgive the other person, freedom takes place, and anger, bitterness, resentment, etc begin to cease.  When God is in the midst of your life and you have surrendered, there is no room for unforgiveness and its components. 

Furthermore, the Bible says:

Matthew 6:15
But if you refuse to forgive others, your father will not forgive your sins.

Forgive others that have wronged you, cheated, hurt, and or abused you.  There is freedom in forgiveness!  God wants you to be free and delivered.  It is easy to ask God for forgiveness but difficult to grant it to others.  Whenever we ask God to forgive us for sin, we should ask, Have I forgiven the people who have wronged me?

Ephesians 4:32
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

I understand that this is easier said then done, but it's not impossible.  Allow God to heal you, forgive you, show you unconditional love, set you free, and remind you of His grace that is sufficient.  God is waiting for you to give Him your burdens.... Be set free today.  Run to Him!  Forgiveness is Possible, In Jesus Name! 

Monday, December 26, 2011


Well, it's that time of year again.  Many are with family, friends, and loved ones during this time.  The holiday season's are filled with family gatherings, love, gifts, unity, and friendship. We as people need love, unity and a sense to be apart. 

What about those that are without friends, family, and loved ones?  What do they do when there is no love for them?  Do we think of others during this time of year when they do not have?  Or are we thinking of just our family? 

There is a need in this Holiday Season, and that need is simply to spread Holiday Love, Cheer, and to be united.  As we go about our lives during this time, we need to remember the REAL meaning of Christmas, which is the Birth of Christ.  As we come together and love one another, let's celebrate His birth.  Christ came to this earth, to save us and show us what unconditional love is.  Let us spread the Love of Christ everywhere we go. 

As 2012 approaches, think of some of the things you would like to change.  Make a plan/goal and just do it. 

If you have not forgiven someone this year, make a change and forgive them. 

Give to others that are in need.  If there is someone without and you could be of help to them, please give. 

If you're blessed with finances and you know someone that is struggling, give to them.  You will be blessed in return. 

If you have been a negative example to others, make that change and be a positive example. 

Do you want to get closer to Christ?  Make that change, go to church and read your Bible.  (Start there)

Do you want to build a better relationship with your kids?  Stop what your doing and make time to get to know them better.   Communicate with them and allow them to communicate with you.  Their thoughts need to be heard and are just as important as yours.    

Have you been eating unhealthy?  Make a change to eat healthier so that you can live longer and help make great changes in this world that is in need. 

Lets build better relationships and healthier lives for ourselves.  Allow God to guide you in every step you take.  Make God number one and all things will be in place. 

This 2012 is the beginning of new things to come..... but you have to make the ultimate choice..... How bad do you want to make changes for your life?? 

Proverbs 16:3
Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. 

Psalm 32:8
The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway fo your life.  I will advise you and watch over you. 

Make a change for the better.  It's not too late.  Let God light the way for you.  You can do it! :)  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. 

Peace and Grace be unto you this New Year.  Blessings from the Gonzalez Family

Saturday, December 17, 2011


The Passion of Christ has so many different meanings...............

Here's a list of what the Passion of Christ means to me:

1).  Love was met at the Cross

2).  A perfect sacrifice, for my sins

3).  Death took place in exchange for life

4).  Blood was shed for my shame

5).  Salvation Thru Christ

6).  Victory was won

The Passion of Christ was revealed.  His unconditional love for you and for me.  A man that lived blameless, righteous, holy, without blemish.  An example to us all. 

There are times when I just think of God's mercy..... and WOW!  God gave His Son......... To die for you and for me........... Who on this earth do you know would do something so selfless?  Take a few minutes and really think about this! 

For example, You are blessed with ONE child, and because this world is so out of order, you decide to allow the people of this world to take your ONLY son or daughter, and sacrifice him or her.  Let me be blunt..... You allow them to KILL your child.................  Do we really know anyone that would sacrifice their children so that the world could be saved? 

The reality is that no one in their right mind would do something so painful like this.  I look at my beautiful daughters and just can't imagine giving their life so that everyone else would not have to pay a heavier price.  My God, I thank you Lord, because even still, I do not deserve that mercy.  This world is full of sin, shame, lust, hate, etc..... the list goes on and on..... But there is a God that has shed His blood to cover our sins. 


John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. 

His love is so GREAT, and UNCONDITIONAL.  He proved His love for me when He exemplified the true meaning of Love for His people when He died on the cross. 

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. 

He died so that we would have eternal life.  Eternal life is a gift from God.  If it is a gift, then it is not something that we earn, nor something that must be paid back. 
Ephesians 2:8-9
God saved you by His grace when you believed.  And you can't take credit for this;  it is a gift from God.  Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 

Our salvation is a gift of God, not something of our own doing.  (When someone gives you a gift, do you say, "That's very nice..... so how much do I owe you for that?"  No, the appropriate response to a gift is "thank you."  Yet and still many Christians, even after they have been given the gift of salvation, feel obligated to try to work their way to God.  We simply need to respond with gratitude, praise and joy. 

Psalm 68:18
When you ascended to the heights, you led a crowd of captives.  You received gifts from the people, even from those who rebelled against you.  Now the Lord God will live among us there.

God is pictured as a conqueror marching to the gates and taking tribute from the fallen city.  Christ, in His crucifixion and resurrection, was victorious over Satan.  When Christ ascended to heaven, He gave gifts to the church. 

Love was met, the price was paid, the blood was shed, life was exchanged, sins were erased, salvation was given, and the VICTORY was WON!  That's enough passion to last a life time and then some.  I wouldn't trade my Lord and Savior for the things of this world.  He gave His all for me...... and besides, what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul????  There is no benefit in gaining the world. 

Search your heart of Passion..... Do you strive to have the Passion of Christ?  Was the price He paid enough for you?  The shedding of His blood certainly can not be replaced and I am eternally grateful for the Almighty God I serve.  Search the heart of God, and allow Him to be your Passion.  We are no longer dead but Alive in Him.  Blessings :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


Are you hurting?

Have you been betrayed?

Do you feel lonely?

Are you looking for acceptance?

Is your struggle bigger then you?

Are you overwhelmed?

Has anxiety taken over your life?

I'm not sure who this particular blog is for........ But I have good news for you!  I have an answer to your need.  I know someone that can take the hurt away and heal your wound.  I adore a man that is for me and not against me.  I met a man that promises to never leave me nor forsake me.  I honor a man that embraces me through my good times and bad times.  I acknowledge a man that stands in front of my struggle and reminds me that He is in control.  I know a man that can provide a peace that will surpass all understanding.  I have found someone that SPEAKS peace to the storm surrounding me, and that storm has to cease. 

Has your heart been broken?

Have your dreams been stolen or shattered?

Is there fear in your life that you just can't explain?

Is there any room for love anymore?

Are you hopeless?

I have good news for you!  I have an answer to your need.  I know someone that can mend your broken heart.  I know a man that restores your visions and dreams.  I acknowledge a man that says I can trust in Him for all things.  I have found someone, and His name is LOVE and HE has so much of it to give.  I met the MASTER of HOPE! 

This man's name is JESUS!  He is my Savior, Master, Lord, Lover of my Soul, Redeemer, Lifter of my Head, Shelter, Comforter, Healer, Provider, and Joy!  He's everything I want, everything I hope in.  He has done a work in me and I'm ever grateful.  When I look at how far the Lord has brought me, I can't help but be thankful for His mercies that are new every morning.  

I want to encourage you today to come to the Father!  If you are in need of healing, love, peace, comfort, etc.... God is waiting to hear from you.  This life is not a perfect life, and no one has a perfect story.  But I know a God that is perfect and doesn't make mistakes.  When God made you..... He made perfection thru Jesus.  We are not perfect, but perfect through His Son Jesus Christ. 

His word says you can stand.  He'll cover you with His grace.  Everything you need is in your hand, so lift up your head and say.......

All things are working for me.  Even things I can't see.  Your ways are so beyond me.  But you said that you would let it be for my good.  So I'll rest and just believe. 

~Fred Hammond~

1 Timothy 1:15-17
This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it.  "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" and I am the worst of them all.  But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of His great patience with even the worst sinners.  Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in Him and receive eternal life.  All honor and glory to God forever and ever!  He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; He alone is God.  Amen.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Have you ever felt as though something was missing?  Was there ever a time in your life where you were so passionately in love with Christ and for some reason you don't feel so hard pressed to love Him the way you used too?  Do the memories of your first love for Christ seem far away?

When you have interest in another person you begin to build a relationship with them and eventually, if you are compatible, you fall in love with each other.  Sounds pretty normal right?  You begin to express your love with this individual.  Your thoughts and emotions change and you become more sensitive to one another.  You begin to look at things differently.  You start spending more time together and at some point you begin to learn each other.  All the in's and outs, the likes and dislikes but most important the fire and passion for one another. 

After some time has gone by, the relationship becomes more serious.....some make commitments, get engaged, then marry and or others just decide to stay in a long term relationship, (let me clarify, and eventually marry after a substantial amount of years).  However, which ever the case may be, the love that you have for one another is something you cherish and enjoy.  There are even times when you feel as if there are not enough hours in the day to enjoy your new found love. 

So....Years have come and gone.... How's that relationship looking?  Are you still in love with your spouse?  Has comfortability become your new mate?  Do you spend more time with routine and tradition instead of your loved one?  Is working out in the gym more important then taking time out just to communicate or have an intimate moment together?  Have we allowed ALL of our responsibilities to keep us so busy that we forget we have someone else in our life?  Is it possible? 

1).  Is it possible that we have traded our commitment to Christ for our distractions? 
2).  Do you remember how you felt when the Lord transformed your life?
3).  When was the last time you picked up your Bible?
4).  Have you been running like a chicken without a head because you have so much to do and so little time?
5).  Does your Prayer Closet still exist?
6).  Are the lines of communication to the Father still open?  Or has life taken that from you?
7).  Have you put Jesus on the back burner?
8).  Has church become a routine? or Rather do you even attend anymore?

I challenge you today to find that 1st love in Christ that you once had.  I pray that you would become stronger in the Lord as you buckle down and press towards the mark.  God is a loving God and He is waiting with open arms.  Sometimes we get so comfortable with life that everything becomes a routine and/or a ritual.  Don't allow God to take a back seat while your running around trying to get things done.  Allow Him to be first in your life and all things will fall into place.   

When there is a fire burning..... and time starts to dim out the fire..... you might need some matches to Ignite the Fire back up!!  Allow the Fire of God that's within you to be restored, so that you can spread His love and passion amongst your friends, family and neighbors.   Ignite the person next to you....allow your light to shine. 

If you don't know Christ, I challenge you today to get to know Him.  His love is everlasting and He is faithful.   Find the nearest church in your local area, find a Bible to your liking (meaning translation), and begin to speak to Him.  Invite Him to your life and ask Him to transform you.  This is just the beginning.  Allow God to reveal Himself to you.   


Please don't delay... Get reacquainted with the Father as He loves to be intimate with children. 

Jeremiah 29:11-14 says........

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord.  "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.  I will be found by you," says the Lord.   

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


As I look back over the years of who I used to be and who I am today, I'm truly grateful to the Almighty God for saving me.

Growing up in the Northend of Hartford, CT was not the easiest life for my family.  My mother was a young mom.  She was pregnant and married at age 17 to my father and by 18 she was having her second child, which was ME :).    After giving birth to two children, my mother decided to not have anymore kids.  So it was me and my brother. 

After 3 years my mother and father separated due to my father's infidelity.  My father fathered another child with another women while married to my mother.  Although I was young and didn't understand what was going on, all I knew was I was missing my dad.  I would cry every night.  I just wanted my daddy. 

All this time that I was crying through out each night, I never knew that my big brother (which was only 4 years old at the time) was listening to me.  This effected my brother so much that he became a very angry, bitter, and resentful boy.  He had little patience, and was very protective of me. 

My mother became a strong lady.  She was determined to get over my father and take care of her children by herself.  She decided that she would not go out to party and drink, or date anyone else for a year.  My mom said "I'm going to love and take care of you guys with or without your father".  My mother stood true to her word.  She was faithful till the end. 

A year passed by. My mother finally went out to enjoy the club scenary and that's where she met my step-father.  Mind you, my step-father was only 19 and my mother I believe was 21 or 22 back then.  Eventually, they stayed together.  He would play with me and my brother.  However, he was a no nonsense step-dad.  He demanded respect and he got it.  He was strict but he was GREAT to us.  He loved my mom and my mom loved him.  That's all that mattered. 

When I reached the age of 7, My mom decided she would visit a church with a friend.  Well load and behold, the Pastor's wife asked me "would you like to receive Jesus in your life as your Lord and Savior?  I accepted.  I guess at that age I wasn't too sure about what I was doing.  However, in time, it became very clear.  Although I had accepted Jesus into my life..... I made many errors and learned the hard way on the things of life. 

By the time I was 8 years old, my mom and step-dad decided to marry. They too had accepted the Lord in their lives and surrendered themselves to Him.  We lived a great life.  We were called the Cosby Family.  Every weekend, my mother would clean the whole house and we would drive to New York and shop.  We did everything as a family, from church vacations, dinners, rollerskating, Love Feasts @ the church, and etc.  These are just a few things I enjoyed.... :)

Although I lived a great life..... there was still something missing...... My biological father!  My step-father did a great job raising us and doing what my father should have..... but he was still absent.  My biological father became a drug addict after the break up with my mom.  As I got older, I began to understand that he was under life controlling substance and there was no way possible he could have ever been a father to me and my brother. 

Rejection became a factor in my life due to the absence of my father.  Growing up, I felt as if my dad didn't love me and he was rejecting us, (Although now I know that wasn't the case).   So rejection was difficult.  All I wanted was the love of my father.  After a little while, I became rebellious, smart mouth, "I know it all", and I just didn't want to hear it from NO ONE!   I was getting into fights at school, and I didn't care who it was... I was ready to release all that was building up inside, which in the end, lead to 8 suspensions from school.   I was the tough girl that had many friends.  However, I never bullied anyone.... lol  (Let me be clear).  I just didn't tolerate people trying to run over, bully, or hurt me.  Being this tough girl... I had decided that i wanted to be a Police Officer when I got older..... However, those plans changed............

By the time I was 16 years old I became pregnant with my first daughter, which is now 22 years old.  The disappointment was unbearable for me.  I was embarrased that I embarrased my parents by getting pregnant at such a young age.  My parents were leaders in the church, & great role models.  My mother was the Worship Leader and a Prayer Warrior, my Father was a Deacon and one of the Humblest people around.   I felt horrible.... I shamed them. 

Although this is what I thought they were feeling, it was far from the truth.  My parents were very upset, but they still embraced me and loved me.  They never made me feel bad about what happened or discouraged me.  They gave me the love that ONLY CHRIST could give.  This is when I understood the Love of Christ.  They didn't reject me and tell me to GET OUT!  They simply loved me and cared for me.  I thought my life was over, but it was just the beginning. :)

Even though I was young, my mother and father taught me how to be responsible.  Well, so much for being a Police Officer.  That dream went right out the window when Kayla Marie arrived in my arms.  Perfect little human being..... beautiful in every way.  I couldn't even think of putting my life in danger and risk my daughter growing up without me as her mom, due to being a Police Officer.  Change of plans for my life.  So even though I thought I would be an Officer, God knew different. :)

That's why the Bible says, "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts", says the Lord.  And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine."  Isaiah 55:8. 

Going through that experience alone was just the beginning of me learning how to Trust the Lord with everything that is within me.  Today..... even with it's daily challenges..... I STILL Trust Him.  If it wasn't for Christ where would I be?  If your going through a time in your life where you feel rejected, unloved and you need the Love of your Father..... I know a FATHER that will never leave you, nor forsake you! 

 Joshua 1:5 says, "For I will be with you as I was with Moses.  I will not fail you or abandon you." 

His name is Jesus Christ.  It doesn't matter what you have done, or what you haven't done.  Jesus died on the cross and paid the price for you and for me.   I'm glad that God made me..... to be me!  I'm not perfect.... FAR from it, but the God I serve is perfect, and day in and day out I strive to live like him. 

This is just the beginning of my life.... there is so much more to tell.  I pray that you are ministered to through out each post.....God is simply amazing.  God bless