Sunday, August 2, 2015


August 18th, 2015 will make 18 years that my daughter passed away. :-(

Some may understand this and some May not!  We've never gotten a head stone for our daughter, even after 18 years of her being gone.  For a long time I blamed my finances and anything else I could think of but the reality was, I didn't want to face closure.  :-/

I guess I felt if I got her head stone, I had to admit she was gone and never returning.  I'm sure this sounds strange to some of you..... But one will never understand unless you've been through a similar situation.  I just imagined one day she would come back.... Not sure how that was gonna happen but as a mother, facing the death of your child is unimaginable!  I NEVER thought I would be someone burying my own.  Who wants to continue life after losing an innocent child?  She was 3 years old when she passed and she was sassy, smart, tell it like it is but most of all, a true worshiper of the King Jesus!  

Today my family and I gathered around her stone that was placed early this week, to finally say our "see you later!" :-(  It's hard for me to grasp that I'm leaving and I can't take her with me. Kinda brings me back to when I needed to leave her at the funeral home for her preparations.  One of the hardest moments of my life.  

As the tears roll down my face and thinking of her sweet face..... I can't imagine her not wanting us all to be together for her baby nieces grand entrance in California!  Julie (RIP), thank you for the 3 years of excitement, love, memories, hope and fun!  You've been missed for the last 18 years and there's NEVER a day we don't think of you!  Your memories live in us to tell the world!  

We Love you baby girl!  Now as I finally depart this state and move across country, you can rest easy with your head stone.  I am now ready, to let go!  :-/  What a challenge this has been.  But even with these tears in my eyes, I am at peace.  NEVER FORGOTTEN!  RIP BABY GIRL!  It is finished! 

Julie Yvette Gonzalez (RIP), Feb 10th, 1994 - Aug 18th, 1997

Kudos to ALL you mommies that have lost a child and still managing to live on.  You are an inspiration, strong and courageous!  I love you! Xoxo ❤️